Doctor Franks Australia Team

The Doctor Franks Australia Team, based across Australia, are professionals and experts in their field. We take a personalised approach to each patient, and our experience and knowledge allow us to answer all your questions at any time of the day. We do not believe in using a 'bot' on our site; we prefer human interaction. That's why, once subscribed, one of our registered nurses will personally call you to complete a check-in, a well-being survey, or simply to see how you're doing and if there's anything else you may need from us. As a subscribed member, you will also receive emails with very short surveys about your current health status. By completing these, you'll gain access to our Doctor Franks Australia portal, which has a wealth of resources to support you on your journey towards reaching your target, healthier weight.

Doctor Franks Method

Weight Loss Medication

Discover the science behind GLP-1, our innovative medication designed to target three fundamental mechanisms for optimal weight management.

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Specialist Weight Loss Nurses

Will guide + support you through your weight loss journey with monthly review clinics + unlimited well being calls.

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Diet & Nutrition Support Pack

Accelerate your results + make informed decisions. (developed by Dr Franklin Joseph and our specialist nutritionist and dietitian.)

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The Evolution of Weight Loss: Doctor Franks Proven Method

Debunking the "Eat Less, Do More" Approach

Traditional weight loss strategies have often been oversimplified and stigmatising. Recent findings reveal that weight loss advice from GPs to patients with obesity often lacks efficacy. Such advice tends to be generic, with little customisation to individual patient needs.

Click here to read study

Understanding the Genetic Influence

Conventional weight loss methods frequently overlook the fact that nearly 80% of obesity cases are influenced by genetic factors. Our approach acknowledges that obesity is often rooted in biology, emphasising the importance of a tailored, effective intervention.

Click here to read study

Navigating the Hype of Trendy Diets

Quick fixes and diet trends can inadvertently signal your body to retain weight, thanks to hormones like leptin and ghrelin. Rather than chasing fleeting diet trends, our medication offers a sustainable approach, harmoniously working with the body's natural mechanisms.

Click here to read study

Participants using GLP-1 medication lost 5 times more weight than with diet & exercise alone¹

Delivering the personalised and comprehensive weight care you deserve.

Judgement Free

No waiting rooms, no judgement. We’re right here when you need us


Your health is personal, your care should be too


Free cancellation anytime

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